The Endometriosis Clinic

20 years of experience in specialised endometriosis care
including 15 years of robotic surgery
To make an enquiry please email endoclinic@protonmail.com
Please do not try to telephone. All enquiries and bookings are managed by email.
The Endometriosis Clinic is now able to see 16-17 year olds
Over the years we have had many enquiries from the parents of teenagers who have been struggling without any options for more specialised endometriosis care. Therefore we have now opened the clinic to this often ignored group and can now see 16/17 year olds for assessments and treatment
Welcome to The Endometriosis Clinic's website
These are difficult days for endometriosis and pelvic pain sufferers who have been bumped significantly down the list of current medical priorities in public health systems. For patients that have pain issues this is unfortunate, and maybe having a major effect on your psychological and physical wellbeing.
If you are like the majority of women that come to The Endometriosis Clinic, then you have searched high and low for the right help, for a clinic you can trust, that doesn't promise the world, that listens to you sympathetically, and that offers access to the gold standards of treatment in order to give you the maximum chance of healing. The Endometriosis clinic was the first and remains the most experienced clinic offering robot assisted surgery for complex cases with 20 years experience of specialising in endometriosis and
15 years experience with robotic surgery for endometriosis, which is significantly more than anyone else in the UK.
The Clinic offers you a genuine and caring approach. We treat the women that come to us as an individual, who are in unique situations that require unique solutions. In addition to our longstanding experience in pelvic and bowel endometriosis, we believe that we were the first and still most experienced UK Endometriosis Clinic routinely performing diaphragm and thoracic surgery for endometriosis with an established multidisciplinary team.
The Clinic is embodied by its three principles: The three EEEs....
Mr Peter Barton- Smith MBBS MD MRCOG FRGS

Peter Barton-Smith established The Endometriosis Clinic in London in 2016 in order to provide exemplary and sympathetic help to women suffering from pelvic pain and endometriosis. He believes that too often endometriosis is treated by general gynaecologists and there is a need for specialist care to get the best results.
He has been practising Medicine for over 25 years and has been working with endometriosis since 2004, and exclusively with endometriosis since 2013.
He trained in surgery for complex severe endometriosis during a four-year fellowship at the Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guildford from 2004-2008 where he also completed a Doctorate degree in Endometriosis at the University of Surrey.
Peter established the first UK Robotic Gynaecological Surgery Programme in 2009 at the Royal Surrey before moving to Singapore General Hospital from 2013-2016 as a Senior Consultant to establish a robotic surgery programme specialising in complex surgery for endometriosis and has one of the largest series of cases worldwide.
Peter was a founding member and President of BIARGS (British and Irish Association of Robotic Gynaecological Surgeons) and was Vice President of Society of European Robotic Gynaecological Surgery. He was a founding member of the Asian Society of Gynaecological Robotic Surgery. He was co-organiser of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists UK national theory course for laparoscopic surgery from 2006-2012, a faculty member of the European Surgical Institute, and has taught and been an invited speaker on robotic surgery and endometriosis in many countries around the world.
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